What type of stone is made out of crystals.

a geode

The type of stone that is made out of crystals is known as a crystal or gemstone. Crystals are naturally occurring minerals that form in various shapes and structures due to the arrangement of their atoms or molecules. Gemstones, on the other hand, are specific types of crystals that possess beauty, rarity, and durability, making them valuable for use in jewelry and other decorative purposes.

To identify a stone as a crystal or gemstone, you can follow these steps:

1. Visual Observation: Look closely at the stone and observe its appearance. Crystals and gemstones often have a distinct and well-defined geometric shape or structure. They may also feature facets, which are flat, polished surfaces that enhance their brilliance and clarity.

2. Transparency: Determine the level of transparency or translucency of the stone. Crystals and gemstones can range from transparent (clear and see-through) to opaque (not letting light pass through). The transparency of a stone can provide clues about its composition and identity.

3. Color: Note the color of the stone. Crystals and gemstones exhibit a wide range of hues, including red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, and many others. Some gemstones even have specific color variations that are highly prized, such as the blue sapphire or the red ruby.

4. Hardness: Assess the hardness of the stone. One way to do this is by scratching the stone against a known material with a Mohs hardness scale (a mineral hardness rating scale). Gemstones usually have a higher hardness, ranging from 5 to 10 on the scale, while softer minerals will have lower ratings.

5. Professional Evaluation: If you are uncertain about the identification of a stone, it is always a good idea to consult a professional gemologist or visit a gemological laboratory. These experts have the knowledge and specialized tools necessary to accurately identify crystals and gemstones.

Remember, the world of crystals and gemstones is vast and diverse, with numerous types and varieties. Exploring books, online resources, or visiting natural history museums can also provide valuable information on identifying different crystals and gemstones.