what is the latitude and longitude of Daytona, Florida

i think it is :

29° 11' N 81° 3' W

thanks a lot!!1

To find the latitude and longitude of Daytona, Florida, you can use various methods. One straightforward way is to search for it on a popular online mapping service such as Google Maps or Bing Maps. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the mapping service of your choice in your web browser.
2. In the search box, type in "Daytona, Florida" and press Enter or click on the search icon.
3. The map should zoom in and show the location of Daytona, Florida.
4. Look at the address bar of your browser; you should see the latitude and longitude coordinates displayed.

Alternatively, you can use a GPS device or a mobile app that provides location information, such as a smartphone map application or a dedicated GPS navigation system. These applications often display your current latitude and longitude, and you can manually navigate or search for Daytona, Florida to get its coordinates.

Please note that the latitude and longitude of Daytona, Florida, specifically Main Street in downtown Daytona Beach, is approximately 29.2108° N latitude and 81.0228° W longitude. However, the coordinates may vary slightly depending on the mapping service or method used to obtain them.