In F. Scott Fitzgerald's story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," we are very likely to

A. decide that Bernice will never escape her dependent nature.
B. think of both Marjorie and Bernice as painfully naïve.
C. realize that Marjorie is sensitive to Bernice's feelings.
D. see Marjorie's personality as shallow.

is this answer. decide that Bernice will never escape her dependent nature

hes right

d is correct answer just took the pf test


To determine the most likely answer to this question, you can analyze the information provided in F. Scott Fitzgerald's story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read and analyze the story: To make an informed choice, first read the story carefully and pay attention to the characters' actions, dialogue, and relationships.

2. Understand the characters: In this case, focus on the characters Marjorie and Bernice. Observe their behavior and interactions throughout the story to gain insights into their personalities.

3. Analyze Marjorie's treatment of Bernice: Assess Marjorie's behavior towards Bernice and examine whether she showcases sensitivity towards her feelings or if her personality appears shallow.

4. Consider Bernice's evolution: Evaluate Bernice's character arc throughout the story to determine whether it suggests that she will escape her dependent nature or remain stuck in it.

By considering these factors, you can derive the most likely answer to the question.