17. Which of the following sentences has a relative clause?

A. Many young people are searching for jobs.
B. The audience applauded the ambassador, who spoke for one-half hour.
C. The bus stopped at the corner, but she forgot to get off.
[D. Tony ate the pizza and then went to the movies.]

Obviously you didn't read the link I sent you about relative clauses.

is it c then

b is the correct answer

You've guessed all four of the possible answers.

Why do you think the answer is B, C, or D?

To identify which of the given sentences has a relative clause, let's first understand what a relative clause is. A relative clause is a type of dependent clause that starts with a relative pronoun (such as who, whom, whose, which, or that) or a relative adverb (such as where, when, or why) and functions to provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in the main clause.

Now, let's analyze each sentence:

A. Many young people are searching for jobs.
This sentence does not contain a relative clause. It simply states a fact about young people searching for jobs.

B. The audience applauded the ambassador, who spoke for one-half hour.
This sentence contains a relative clause. The relative pronoun "who" introduces the clause "who spoke for one-half hour," providing additional information about the ambassador.

C. The bus stopped at the corner, but she forgot to get off.
This sentence does not contain a relative clause. It consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction "but." There is no subordinate clause providing additional information about a noun.

D. Tony ate the pizza and then went to the movies.
This sentence does not contain a relative clause. It simply presents a sequence of actions performed by Tony.

Therefore, the sentence that has a relative clause is option B: "The audience applauded the ambassador, who spoke for one-half hour."