How do you write eight hundred eleven thousand, four hundred fifty in standard form?


To write "eight hundred eleven thousand, four hundred fifty" in standard form, you need to determine the place value of each number given.

First, consider the place value of each digit in the number:
- The digit 8 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 1 is in the tens place.
- The digit 1 is in the ones place.
- The digit 4 is in the thousands place.
- The digit 5 is in the hundreds place.

Now, convert these place values into standard form:
- The hundreds place, which has the digit 8, represents 8 multiplied by 100 = 800.
- The tens place, which has the digit 1, represents 1 multiplied by 10 = 10.
- The ones place, which also has the digit 1, represents 1 multiplied by 1 = 1.
- The thousands place, which has the digit 4, represents 4 multiplied by 1000 = 4000.
- The hundreds place, which has the digit 5, represents 5 multiplied by 100 = 500.

Finally, add up all these values together:
800 + 10 + 1 + 4000 + 500 = 5311.

Thus, "eight hundred eleven thousand, four hundred fifty" in standard form is 5311.