M squared is greater than or equal to 36

How to find m
I only have one set of answers for m and that is m is greater than or equal to 6
How to find the second set?
Working out please

To find the second set of solutions for the inequality m^2 ≥ 36, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the given inequality: m^2 ≥ 36.
Step 2: Take the square root of both sides of the inequality: √(m^2) ≥ √36.
Step 3: Simplify the equation:
|m| ≥ 6,
where |m| represents the absolute value of m.
Step 4: Solve for two cases:
Case 1: m ≥ 6. This is the first set of solutions that you already have.
Case 2: -m ≥ 6. To solve for the second set, we need to reverse the inequality sign.
Step 5: Solve the inequality for Case 2: -m ≥ 6.
Multiplying both sides by -1 gives:
m ≤ -6.

So, the two sets of solutions for the inequality m^2 ≥ 36 are:
1) m ≥ 6
2) m ≤ -6

Don't forget to think about negative numbers here. What negative numbers would give you a correct answer?