is this sentence correct? 'My report is about what the president has to be and what they do.'

i guess that's okay.

if you want to sound a little better, you could say 'My report is about what the ideal president should be like and what they do'

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Since you say the "president" and that word is singular, why not "and what he/she does." Especially now when we might have a lady president, the "he/she" or "s/he" is pertinent!

Upon analyzing the sentence you provided, "My report is about what the president has to be and what they do," it appears to be grammatically correct. However, there is a potential inconsistency in the use of pronouns. While the word "president" typically refers to a singular individual, the pronoun "they" is plural. To maintain consistency and clarity, it would be better to use a singular pronoun such as "he" or "she" instead.

To verify the correctness of a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject and verb: In this sentence, the subject is "My report" and the verb is "is."
2. Determine if the subject and verb agree: Since "My report" is singular, the usage of the singular verb "is" is appropriate.
3. Check for proper punctuation: In this sentence, the punctuation is correctly used with a period at the end.

By following these steps, you can assess the correctness of a sentence and make necessary improvements if needed.