which triangles do you use COS SIN or TAN??

You can use these relations on any ANGLE. THe sin, cos, and tan are dependent on the angle, it does not matter if the angles are in triangles, or if they are, what kind of triangle.
Right triangles are especially helpful when using sin, cos, and tan.

To determine which trigonometric function (cosine, sine, or tangent) to use, you need to consider the given information and what you want to find. Here's a breakdown for different scenarios:

1. Right Triangle:
In a right triangle, you have one angle that measures 90 degrees. In this case, you can use any of the trigonometric functions depending on the given information.
- If you know the length of one side and want to find the ratio of another side, you can use sine, cosine, or tangent.
- If you know the lengths of two sides and want to find the angle between them, you can use inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent).

2. Any Triangle:
For non-right triangles, the properties of trigonometry can still be used, but it becomes more complex. Here, the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines are often utilized.
- The Law of Sines relates the ratios of the lengths of the sides to the corresponding sines of the angles.
- The Law of Cosines relates the lengths of the sides to the cosine of one of the angles.

Overall, you can use sine, cosine, and tangent in any scenario involving angles, regardless of whether they are in triangles or not. The choice of function depends on the specific problem and the given information.