is this correct?

multiplying ans writing it my answer in standard form.


then my answer should be 8.0
I am correct?

I am sure you meant to say

"then my answer whould be 8.0 * 10^8

Thank you

To determine if your answer is correct, let's go through the steps together.

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients (numbers outside of the exponent).
2 * 4 = 8

Step 2: Multiply the exponents (numbers inside the exponent).
10^5 * 10^3 = 10^(5+3) = 10^8

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and the exponent in standard form.
Your result should be written as 8 * 10^8.

Therefore, your answer is correct as 8 * 10^8.

However, when converting to decimal form, you made a mistake. In decimal form, you move the decimal point to the left by the number of times equal to the exponent value. In this case, the exponent is 8, so you should move the decimal point eight places to the left.

Correct conversion: 800000000.0

So, in decimal form, your answer is 800,000,000.0.