
how will I write this in positive answer?
I got
---p ^-2

Please help!
thank you

If you meant to write it as

1/(36p^2) , then you are correct

Thank you

To simplify the expression (6p)^-2, it means we need to raise the quantity 6p to the power of -2. To do this, we need to understand two rules of exponents:

1. The rule for raising a power to a negative exponent is: a^(-n) = 1 / (a^n).
2. The rule for raising a product to a power is: (ab)^n = a^n * b^n.

Using these rules, we can solve the expression step by step:

Step 1: Rearrange the expression as 1 / (6p)^2.
Step 2: Apply the rule for raising a product to a power: (6p)^2 = 6^2 * p^2 = 36p^2.
Step 3: Apply the rule for raising a power to a negative exponent: 1 / (36p^2) = 1 / 36p^2.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 1 / 36p^2, or you can also write it as:


I hope this explanation helps!