what is the attractive legend about hawthorne?

The attractive legend about Hawthorne refers to the romanticized image surrounding the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne is known for his mysterious and allegorical storytelling, particularly in his famous novel, "The Scarlet Letter." The legend suggests that Hawthorne was a reclusive and enigmatic figure, often seen wandering alone in the woods or immersing himself in deep contemplation to draw inspiration for his tales. This idea of the enigmatic artist, connected closely to nature and the human condition, adds to the allure and fascination surrounding Hawthorne's persona.

To learn more about the attractive legend surrounding Hawthorne, you can delve into biographies, literary analyses, or critical studies of his works. Reading his own writings, such as "The Scarlet Letter," "The House of the Seven Gables," or "The Blithedale Romance," will also give you insights into his style and themes. Additionally, exploring interviews or accounts from his contemporaries can provide further understanding of the mystique surrounding Hawthorne.