A 980-N painter stands on a uniform 230-N board supported by 2 wooden poles as shown below. If the poles can hold only 800-N will it be safe for him to stand on the position show?

The total load is 980+230 = 1210N but how it shall be shared by the supporting poles would depend on the location of the painter on the board.

The question can not be answered in absence of this information/diagram.

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Physics is like life. Some problems are meant to be unanswered.

To determine whether it is safe for the painter to stand on the position shown, we need to analyze the forces acting on the board and the poles.

First, let's consider the forces acting on the board. The weight of the board itself is 230 N, which acts downward at its center of mass. Additionally, the painter exerts a downward force of 980 N when standing on the board. Therefore, the total downward force acting on the board is 230 N + 980 N = 1210 N.

Now, let's analyze the forces acting on the poles. Each pole exerts an upward force to support the weight of the board and the painter. Let's assume these upward forces are F1 and F2.

According to the principle of equilibrium, the sum of all forces acting on an object at rest must be zero. Therefore, for the board and poles to be in equilibrium, the total upward force exerted by the poles must equal the total downward force acting on the board.

We have the equation: F1 + F2 = 1210 N.

However, we also know that the maximum force each pole can support is 800 N. Therefore, for safety, the sum of the forces exerted by the poles must not exceed 800 N.

If F1 + F2 > 800 N, it would not be safe for the painter to stand on the position shown.

To determine whether it is safe, we need to find the individual forces F1 and F2 and check if their sum is within the safe range.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough information about the distribution of forces on the poles or the angle at which they are inclined to accurately calculate F1 and F2 based solely on the given information. To determine the safety of the position, further details about the distribution of forces or the angles of the poles need to be provided.