Sandy is 5.3 feet tall. How many centimeters tall is she? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

1 foot = 30.48 centimeters

30.48 * 5.3 = ?

161.5 centimeters tall (thank you)

To convert feet to centimeters, we need to use the conversion factor of 30.48 centimeters per foot. To find out how many centimeters tall Sandy is, we can multiply her height in feet by the conversion factor.

So, to convert Sandy's height of 5.3 feet to centimeters, we can use the following formula:

Height in centimeters = Height in feet × Conversion factor

Plugging in the values:

Height in centimeters = 5.3 feet × 30.48 centimeters/foot

Height in centimeters = 161.04 centimeters

However, since we need to round the answer to the nearest tenth, the final answer will be 161.0 centimeters.