The answer is 8 1/3 Ms.sue how do you estimate

If you divide 25 by 3, you know that it must be about 8 because 8 * 3 is 24.

If I estimate the Products of these fractions 12 9/10 x 61/4 my is 72 9/40

10/19x7/8 my answer is 4
am I correct

12 9/10 x 6 1/4 = 72

Mrs. sue what do I do with the fraction part of the problem

You're just supposed to estimate, right? 12 9/10 = about 13

6 1/4 = about 6

I made a mistake above.

It should be 13 * 6 = 78

To estimate, you can make an educated guess or approximate a value based on the given information. In the case of the answer being "8 1/3," it appears to be a mixed number. Estimating the value of a mixed number involves understanding the whole number part and the fractional part separately.

In this case, the whole number part is 8. The fraction part is 1/3, which is slightly larger than 0. Therefore, we can estimate that the value is closer to 8. Estimating to one decimal place, we could write the answer as approximately 8.3.

However, it's important to note that without any context or additional information, it is challenging to provide an accurate estimation. Estimations can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the level of precision required.