I left out the following sentences. Thank you, Writeacher

1) Transform the following active sentences into the passive voice using the personal construction
1) He sent me an invitation.
I was sent an invitation
2) They will offer him a better position in the company.
He will be offered a better..
3) They are offering her a part-time job in London.
She is being offered ....
4) They say he is living in New York.
He is said to be living in New York.

2) Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets
1) If I ....(know) the answer, I’d tell you.
2) If I win a lot of money, I ..(give) some to charity.
3) I would have told you her phone number if I ....(know) it.
4) I ... (drink) so much, if I were you.
5) I .....(take) the job, if the salary had been higher.
6) If I ....(get bored), I’ll leave the lecture

All look fine.

Great job on transforming the active sentences into the passive voice and completing the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets!

To transform active sentences into the passive voice using the personal construction, you typically need to follow these steps:

1) Identify the subject, verb, and object of the active sentence.
2) Determine the tense and form the appropriate "be" verb in the passive voice.
3) Move the object to the beginning of the sentence and make it the new subject.
4) If necessary, include a preposition (e.g., "by") to indicate who or what performs the action in the passive voice.

Now, let's go through the sentences you provided:

1) He sent me an invitation.
Passive voice: I was sent an invitation.

2) They will offer him a better position in the company.
Passive voice: He will be offered a better position in the company.

3) They are offering her a part-time job in London.
Passive voice: She is being offered a part-time job in London.

4) They say he is living in New York.
Passive voice: He is said to be living in New York.

For the second part, here are the completed sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.
Explanation: In this conditional sentence (Type 2), we use the past simple form of the verb "know" in the "if" clause and the conditional form "would + base form" of the verb "tell" in the main clause.

2) If I win a lot of money, I'd give some to charity.
Explanation: Again, this is a conditional sentence (Type 2). We use the present simple form of the verb "win" in the "if" clause and the conditional form "would + base form" of the verb "give" in the main clause.

3) I would have told you her phone number if I had known it.
Explanation: This is a conditional sentence (Type 3). We use the past perfect form "had known" in the "if" clause and the conditional perfect "would have + past participle" of the verb "tell" in the main clause.

4) I wouldn't drink so much if I were you.
Explanation: In this conditional sentence (Type 2), we use the past simple form of the verb "be" ("were") in the "if I were you" clause. The verb "drink" remains in the present simple form.

5) I would have taken the job if the salary had been higher.
Explanation: This is a conditional sentence (Type 3). We use the past perfect form "had been" in the "if" clause and the conditional perfect "would have + past participle" of the verb "take" in the main clause.

6) If I get bored, I'll leave the lecture.
Explanation: This is a conditional sentence (Type 1). We use the present simple form of the verb "get" in the "if" clause and the future tense "will + base form" of the verb "leave" in the main clause.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!