whats an array? and how would i show it with plastic dimes. i need to help kids find 8 x 70 can you explain how you would do it??


do you know how i would be able to do it with dimes only? my mother is going for an interview as a 4th grade teacher and she really needs to picture how do it so she can grab a grasp on it.

An array is a way to organize objects or numbers in a rectangular grid. It helps visualize multiplication and understand how repeated addition works. To represent an array with plastic dimes, you can line up 8 dimes in one row and then make 70 rows of 8 dimes each.

To help kids find the answer to 8 x 70 using an array, follow these steps:

1. Take out 8 dimes and arrange them in a single row.
2. Then, make 10 rows of 8 dimes each. In total, you now have 80 dimes.
3. Now, make 7 groups of these 80 dimes and arrange them in a rectangular grid, with 7 rows and 10 columns.
4. Count the dimes in the array. Since each group has 80 dimes, and there are 7 groups, you have a total of 560 dimes.

Therefore, the product of 8 x 70 is equal to 560.