I have a 67% in bio and our final exam is worth 30%. how much would I have to get on the exam to pass the course?


at least 7

To determine the minimum score you would need on the final exam to pass the course, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the remaining percentage of the course grade after considering the final exam weight:
- 100% - 30% = 70%

2. Determine the minimum acceptable overall course grade:
- In most cases, the minimum passing grade is 60%.

3. Calculate the remaining percentage you need to achieve in the course to pass:
- Required percentage = 100% - minimum passing grade
- Required percentage = 100% - 60% = 40%

4. Calculate the portion of the remaining percentage that is based on your current grade:
- Percentage based on current grade = Required percentage * (weight of current grade / remaining percentage)
- Percentage based on current grade = 40% * (67% / 70%) ≈ 38.29%

5. Subtract the percentage based on your current grade from the remaining percentage to find out how much you need on the final exam:
- Required exam grade = Remaining percentage - Percentage based on current grade
- Required exam grade = 70% - 38.29% ≈ 31.71%

Therefore, you would need to score approximately 31.71% on your final exam to pass the course with a minimum overall passing grade of 60%. Note that this calculation assumes that the rest of your course grade is distributed evenly among various assignments, tests, or other factors that are not explicitly mentioned.