
Fill in the correct comparative form: Fußball ist ______ Golf. (interessant)

A mehr interessanter als
B interessanter als
C mehr interessant als
D interessant als
is it C?
Fill in the correct comparative form: Der Film ist ______ das Buch. (schlecht)

A mehr schlecht als
B genauso schlecht als
C schlechter wie
D schlechter als
is it C?

4. How would you translate into German: “I like painting more than reading.”

A Ich habe Malen lieber als Lesen.
B Ich habe Lesen lieber als Malen.
C Ich male am liebsten.
D Ich lese am liebsten.
is it A?



1 is b. interessanter als.

3 is D. schlechter als. Sometimes you hear in german schlechter wie, but it isn't good german. In german you mostly use als not wie.
4 A but I would prefer. Ich male lieber, als das ich lese.

Fußball ist interessanter als Golf.

Der Film ist schlechter als das Buch.

A Ich habe Malen lieber als Lesen.

1. To determine the correct comparative form, we can follow these steps:

- First, we need to know the base form of the adjective, which in this case is "interessant."
- Next, we need to add the comparative ending "-er" to the adjective to form the comparative degree. This gives us "interessanter."
- Finally, we need to include the word "als" to compare "Fußball" and "Golf."

From the given options, the correct answer is B - "interessanter als."

3. Following the same steps as above:

- The base form of the adjective is "schlecht."
- We need to add the comparative ending "-er" to the adjective, resulting in "schlechter."
- The word "als" is used to compare "Der Film" and "das Buch."

From the given options, the correct answer is D - "schlechter als."

4. To translate "I like painting more than reading" into German, we need to understand the basic structure of the sentence. The comparative form "more than" is expressed as "lieber als" in German.

From the given options, the correct answer is B - "Ich habe Lesen lieber als Malen." This translates to "I like reading more than painting."

Remember, when translating, context is essential, and there can be multiple correct ways to express a particular phrase or sentence.