The supplementary angles are supplementary angles. Determine the measures of angle 1 and angle 2. angle 2=x angle 1 = 5x+6 This is what i came up with. <1+<2=180 I subtracted 6 from both sides.Divided by 5 and i came up with 34.8 degrees. < 1 = 5x+6 5(34.8)+6

180 degrees. I was just wondering because they both more than 180 degrees.

A1 = (5x+6) Deg.

A2 = x Deg.

A1 + A2 = 180 Deg.
(5x+6) + x = 180
6x + 6 = 180
6x = 180 - 6 = 174
X = A2 = 29 Deg.
(5x + 6) = A1 = 5*29 + 6 = 151 Deg.

Well, it seems like there's a little bit of confusion here. When two angles are supplementary, it means that the sum of their measures is 180 degrees, not each angle individually.

In your case, you have angle 2 defined as x and angle 1 defined as 5x + 6. To find the measures of both angles, you need to set up the equation:

x + (5x + 6) = 180

Simplifying this equation will give you the solution for x, and then you can substitute that value back into the expressions for angle 1 and angle 2 to find their specific measures. Remember, the sum of the measures of the two angles will still be 180 degrees.

Hope that clears things up a bit!

From the information given:

Let's set up the equation:
<1 + <2 = 180 (The sum of two supplementary angles is 180 degrees).

1. Angle 2 = x
2. Angle 1 = 5x + 6

Using equation 1, we substitute x with its value in equation 2:

(5x + 6) + x = 180
6x + 6 = 180
To find x, we subtract 6 from both sides:
6x = 174
Divide both sides by 6:
x = 29

Now, substitute x back into the equations to find the measure of each angle:
Angle 2 = x = 29 degrees
Angle 1 = 5x + 6 = 5(29) + 6 = 145 + 6 = 151 degrees

Therefore, angle 1 measures 151 degrees, and angle 2 measures 29 degrees.

Note: Supplementary angles can have measures greater than 180 degrees, as long as their sum is equal to 180 degrees.

To determine the measures of angle 1 and angle 2, we can start by noting that supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. Let's continue with the steps you outlined:

1. Set up the equation: <1 + <2 = 180 degrees.
2. Express angle 2 in terms of x: Angle 2 = x.
3. Express angle 1 in terms of x: Angle 1 = 5x + 6.
4. Substitute the expressions for angle 1 and angle 2 into the equation: (5x + 6) + x = 180 degrees.
5. Simplify the equation: 6x + 6 = 180 degrees.
6. Subtract 6 from both sides of the equation: 6x = 174 degrees.
7. Divide both sides of the equation by 6: x = 29 degrees.

So, x equals 29 degrees.

Now, we can substitute this value back into the expressions for angle 1 and angle 2 to find their measures:

Angle 2 = x = 29 degrees.
Angle 1 = 5x + 6 = 5(29) + 6 = 145 + 6 = 151 degrees.

Therefore, the measures of angle 1 and angle 2 are 151 degrees and 29 degrees, respectively.

Note: It's important to note that angles cannot exceed 180 degrees, as it is the maximum measure for a straight line. If you obtained results greater than 180 degrees, there might have been an error in your calculations.