A track has a height that is a function of horizontal position x, given by h(x) = x^3 + 4x^2 − 44x + 16.

Find all the positions on the track where a marble will remain where it is placed. What kind of equilibrium exists at each of these positions? (Enter your answers from smallest to largest.)

The answers are -5.39 and 2.72. I'm not sure where to start this problem. I thought that I would have to take h(x)'s derivative and set it equal to zero, but it did not work. Any help is appreciated.

So you want to find the minimum heights...


use the quadratic equation to solve for the x positions.

x=(-8+-sqrt(64+4*3*44))/6=-4/3 +-4.05

which is your answers.

Thank you. I completely forgot about the quadratic formula.

The quadratic equation is not really working. I keep getting imaginary numbers from the negative under the radical.

Under the radical, you should have (as bobpursley had it) 64-(4)(3)(-44)=592

I forgot about the negative. Thank you!

Thank you for the help. I managed to get the correct solution.
