Catherine received a 70 on her essay because the vocabulary was basic and there was a lack if clear and active voice. Which of the following areas of her essay were weak?

A. Organization

B. Mechanics

C. Content

D. Style

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i think is c is it right?

To determine which areas of Catherine's essay were weak, we need to analyze the information provided. The question states that Catherine received a 70 on her essay due to several factors, including basic vocabulary and a lack of clear and active voice.

Based on this information, we can make some inferences about the weak areas of her essay:

- Organization: The question does not mention any issues related to the organization of the essay. Therefore, we can eliminate option A (Organization) as a weak area.

- Mechanics: The question does not mention any specific mechanical errors, such as grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. Hence, we cannot determine if mechanics were a weak area. Therefore, option B (Mechanics) cannot be considered as a weak area.

- Content: The question does not directly mention any problems with the content of the essay. However, since the vocabulary was described as basic, we can infer that it might be an indication of weak content. Therefore, option C (Content) could be a weak area.

- Style: The question specifically mentions a lack of clear and active voice, which directly relates to the style of the writing. This points to option D (Style) as a weak area.

Based on the information given, it seems that the weak areas of Catherine's essay were most likely Content (Option C) and Style (Option D).