In peas, tall plants (T) are dominant to short (t), purple (P) is dominant to white flower color (p), and round seeds (R) are dominant to wrinkled seeds (r). What is the phenotype of a plant with genotype TtppRr?

TT ---> T tall

pp----> p white
Rr ---> R round

Ah, the plant with the genotype TtppRr is quite the unique specimen. It must feel like a tall, purple superhero wearing a round crown, but with a few harmless wrinkles here and there. So I would say its phenotype is a tall, purple-flowered plant with round seeds and a quirky sense of humor. Keep on blooming, my botanical friend!

To determine the phenotype of a plant with the genotype TtppRr, we need to consider the dominant and recessive alleles for each trait.

In this case:
- Tall plants (T) are dominant to short plants (t)
- Purple flower color (P) is dominant to white flower color (p)
- Round seeds (R) are dominant to wrinkled seeds (r)

Based on the given genotype TtppRr, we can determine the following:

Tt: The presence of a dominant allele (T) means that the plant will have the trait for tall height. So, the plant will be tall.

pp: The presence of two recessive alleles (pp) for flower color means that the plant will exhibit the recessive trait, which is white flower color. So, the plant will have white flowers.

Rr: The presence of a dominant allele (R) means that the plant will have the trait for round seeds. So, the plant will have round seeds.

Therefore, the phenotype of a plant with the genotype TtppRr is tall height, white flowers, and round seeds.

To determine the phenotype of a plant with the genotype TtppRr, we first need to understand the patterns of dominance and recessiveness for each trait.

Tall plants (T) are dominant to short (t), which means that if an individual has at least one dominant allele (T), it will exhibit the tall phenotype.

Similarly, purple flower color (P) is dominant to white flower color (p), so if an individual has at least one dominant allele (P), it will have purple flowers.

Lastly, round seeds (R) are dominant to wrinkled seeds (r), so if an individual has at least one dominant allele (R), it will have round seeds.

Now, let's analyze the genotype TtppRr:

- Tt: Since the dominant allele for plant height (T) is present, the plant will be tall.
- pp: Both alleles for flower color (p) are recessive, so the plant will have white flowers.
- Rr: The dominant allele for seed shape (R) is present, so the plant will have round seeds.

Therefore, the phenotype of a plant with the genotype TtppRr is tall, with white flowers and round seeds.