Samantha is suffering from fatigue and sometimes cannot make herself get out of bed in the morning.She feels that the world is a sad,unhappy place and would like to be relieved of her existence.Dr.Powell and Samantha examine her feelings very closely and consider the relationships in her life which may have affected her view of life.Dr.Powell is a professional in the field of:

Psychology? Psychiatry? Social work?


Dr. Powell is likely a professional in the field of mental health or psychology. To determine the specific title or specialization of Dr. Powell, we would need more information about her qualifications and the context in which she is working with Samantha. However, based on the information given, it is possible that Dr. Powell is a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or counselor who specializes in providing support and treatment for individuals experiencing mental health difficulties. It is important to note that this is just speculation based on the given scenario, and a more accurate identification of Dr. Powell's profession would require additional information.

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