Traveling to Fukuoka

About ten years ago, I went to Fukuoka, Japan. I went there by ship. In Fukuoka, I visited a bookstore. It was important to buy English books there at that time. I always feel great twhen I look at this picture.

(Would you check this writing? Correct errors, please. Thank you.)

All is fine except the spelling of "when" in the last sentence. =)

Your sentences sound choppy. I think that you should connect the sentences to make them smoother.

For example: Ten years ago, I traveled to Fukuaka, Japan by ship. While in Fukuoka, I visited a bookstore and bought English books. Looking at this pictures reminds me of the great times I had on my trip to Japan.

Traveling to Fukuoka

About ten years ago, I traveled to Fukuoka, Japan. I reached Fukuoka by ship, which was a unique experience. During my visit, I had the opportunity to explore a bookstore in Fukuoka, where I was thrilled to find a selection of English books. This particular picture always brings back wonderful memories of my time there.

(Would you like me to check the grammar and make corrections to your writing?