Rob's tape measure is marked in centimeters. He is building a birdhouse from plans marked in inches. He needs a board 22 inches long. Karl knows there are 2.54 CM in 1 in. How can he figure out how many centimeters are 22 inches?


2.54 * 22 =


To figure out how many centimeters are in 22 inches, you can use the conversion rate of 2.54 centimeters per 1 inch.

Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Multiply the number of inches (22) by the conversion factor (2.54 cm/inch).
- 22 inches * 2.54 cm/inch = 55.88 cm

Therefore, there are approximately 55.88 centimeters in 22 inches.

Karl can use this conversion to know how many centimeters the 22-inch board should be.