approximate .68 inch to the nearest eight of an inch

5/8 = 0.625

6/8 = 0.75

0.68 * 8 = 5.44

0.68 in = 5 / 8 in

to the nearest eight of an inch

To approximate 0.68 inches to the nearest eighth of an inch, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 0.68 inches to a fraction by multiplying the decimal by 8, since there are 8 eighths in an inch.

0.68 * 8 = 5.44

Step 2: Round the fraction to the nearest whole number. In this case, the fraction is closer to 5 than 6.

Therefore, the approximation of 0.68 inches to the nearest eighth of an inch is 5/8.

To approximate .68 inches to the nearest eighth of an inch, you need to determine which eighth of an inch is closest to .68.

First, let's understand how to calculate eighths of an inch. One inch can be divided into 8 equal parts, with each part representing 1/8 of an inch.

To find the nearest eighth, we need to determine which two eighths .68 falls between.

Step 1: Identify the nearest lower and higher eighths.
Lower Eighth: .625 (5/8 of an inch)
Higher Eighth: .750 (6/8 of an inch, which simplifies to 3/4 of an inch)

Step 2: Calculate the halfway point between the lower and higher eighths.
(.625 + .750) / 2 = .6875 (11/16 of an inch)

Step 3: Compare the distance between .68 and the lower and higher eighths.

Distance from .68 to the lower eighth: .68 - .625 = .055 (slightly closer to the lower eighth)
Distance from .68 to the higher eighth: .750 - .68 = .07 (slightly closer to the higher eighth)

Since the distance from .68 to the lower eighth is smaller, we can conclude that .68 inches is closer to the lower eighth of an inch, which is .625 inches or 5/8 of an inch.

Therefore, .68 inches, when rounded to the nearest eighth of an inch, is approximately 5/8 of an inch.