Hi Dr. Bob would you please tell me what D rpresents?

Thank you!
What is the reactant, products, and what compounds is it? Is it H2O, O2, or what? What are the transition molecules? Help please.
Do as below to get to the image. I couldn't put the URL in and it isn't my website. I just found the picture that i need there. Do i48, dot, tinypic, dot, com , forward slash, 14w59oi, dot, jpg.

I hope you'll be able to find it.
Thank you for helping me.

•Chemistry - DrBob222, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 2:41pm

I couldn't find it.

•Chemistry - Anonymous, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 3:15pm

I don't think that i'll be allowed to submit someone elses URL. i48.tinypic (put the com here) /14w59oi.jpg. Try this. I don't know why it isn't coming up for you. It works fine when i open it.

•Chemistry - DrBob222, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 3:31pm

I found it this time but I don't know the color scheme. I suspect one molecule may be CH3X which makes the other H-something. If you know the color scheme I may be able to help; otherwise, I can't.

•Chemistry - Anonymous, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 4:09pm

If you mean the color of the line it starts as very dark red or burgandy(don't know if it is spelled rihgt) then a red color all the way.

•Chemistry - DrBob222, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 4:15pm

No, I mean the color of the atoms. I think the white spheres are H and the black probably C. Green is often a halogen. Red is sometimes oxygen.

•Chemistry - Anonymous, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 5:00pm

Yes the white spheres are H and black are the C. I don't see green, but i see blue.The blue is nitrogen and the red is oxygen. If it is green then it is either Fluorine or Chlorine.

•Chemistry - DrBob222, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 6:21pm

These don't hold up for valences but
A = reactants = HO + CH3N
B = the intermediate = HO-CH2N
C = product = HO-CH3 + N

•Chemistry - Anonymous, Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 6:41pm

What does D represent?

D represents the time it takes for the reactants to obtain enough energy to reach the peak of the activation energy needed to form the intermediate complex of B.

From the information provided, it seems that there is an image involved that is not accessible through this platform. However, based on the conversation between Dr. Bob and the anonymous person, I can provide some explanations.

D represents a compound or molecule that has not been explicitly defined in the conversation. It is mentioned as a part of a series of chemical reactions, where A is the reactant, B is the intermediate molecule, and C is the product. Unfortunately, the specific details of D and its significance are not clear in the conversation.

To find the image that the conversation refers to, you can follow the instructions given. Type "i48.tinypic.com/14w59oi.jpg" in the address bar of your web browser. "i48" refers to the image number, "tinypic" is the domain name, and "14w59oi.jpg" is the image identifier.

Please note that I cannot access the internet or view the image directly, so I cannot provide any specific information about it. If you need further assistance, you may consider seeking help from someone who has access to the image.