what the rules to be followed in performing he 4 fundamental operaions using scientific notation?


To perform the four fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) using scientific notation, the following rules can be followed:

1. Addition and Subtraction in Scientific Notation:
a. Write the numbers in scientific notation with the same exponent (power of 10).
b. Add or subtract the coefficients (the numbers before the multiplication symbol).
c. Keep the common exponent for the result.
d. If necessary, adjust the result to scientific notation format by moving the decimal point and adjusting the exponent.

2. Multiplication in Scientific Notation:
a. Multiply the coefficients.
b. Add the exponents (powers of 10) of the numbers.
c. Adjust the result to scientific notation format by moving the decimal point and adjusting the exponent if needed.

3. Division in Scientific Notation:
a. Divide the coefficients.
b. Subtract the exponents of the numbers (exponent of the numerator minus exponent of the denominator).
c. Adjust the result to scientific notation format by moving the decimal point and adjusting the exponent if necessary.

Remember to always consider the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) when performing multiple operations within a scientific notation equation.

It's important to practice these rules with various examples to gain a better understanding and improve accuracy. Additionally, using a scientific calculator or an online calculator capable of handling scientific notation can be helpful during the learning process.