This one showed up in the middle of my quadratic equations. There is no y or 0. What am I supposed to do with it?

Give exact and approximate solutions to three decimal places.


x + 5 = + sqrt 81 = +9

x + 5 = - sqrt 81 = -9

x = 9-5 = 4
x = -9-5 = -14
check those back

How to check back:

if x = 4
what is (x+5)^2 ? hint 9^2 = 81 !!!

if x = -9
what is (x+5)^2 ? hint (-9)*(-9) = 81
we did it :)

perhaps it is coffee time

if x = -14
what is (x+5)^2 ? hint (-9)*(-9) = 81
we did it :)

Oh, and to do this as quadratic equation:

(x+5)^2 = 81
x^2 + 10 x + 25 = 81

x^2 + 10 x - 56 = 0

x = -10/2 +/- (1/2) sqrt(100 + 4*1*56)

x = -5 +/- (1/2)sqrt ( 324)

sqrt 324 = 18 by the way

x = -5 +/- 9

x = -5+9 = +4
x = -5-9 = -14

You catching on to this ?

LOL. Your great, thanks.

Yeah, well check the one below. I did not read carefully and left the wall of the barn out !!