Evaluate the expression.

\( _5^9 \) \( _2^4 \) \( _1^4 \)

To evaluate the expression \( _5^9 \) \( _2^4 \) \( _1^4 \), we need to perform each exponentiation operation separately and then multiply the results.

Let's start by evaluating \( _5^9 \). This means raising the base 5 to the power of 9. To do this, we multiply 5 by itself 9 times:

\( _5^9 = 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \)

Now we can simplify this expression using multiplication:

\( _5^9 = 1953125 \)

Next, let's evaluate \( _2^4 \). We raise the base 2 to the power of 4:

\( _2^4 = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 \)

Again, we can simplify this expression using multiplication:

\( _2^4 = 16 \)

Lastly, we evaluate \( _1^4 \). Here, any number raised to the power of 1 is itself:

\( _1^4 = 1 \)

Now, to find the value of the entire expression, we multiply the results:

\( _5^9 \) \( _2^4 \) \( _1^4 = 1953125 \times 16 \times 1 \)

Finally, performing the multiplication:

\( _5^9 \) \( _2^4 \) \( _1^4 = 31,250,000 \)