for narrative essay i want to write about death, like before i used to think my world be perfect everyone be with me I have everything until my great grandmother died, and that be the first time someone in my family die that i be really close to, so that be heart shattering experience and right after that my cousin die, that i not meet, but connection between us seemed to be strong cause he be my blood and I feel that. I not know what to title this narrative essay about death, and I not know how to exaggerate on my feelings, like i just feel heart broken, like world come to an end.

This will probably be the hardest essay you'll ever write. You'll be exploring your feelings about one of life's certainties. But this fact of life causes us, the living, great pain. It's especially hard on you and others your age.

Today I talked with Logan, a dear friend about your age, at the visitation for his beloved grandmother who died a couple of days ago. He's suffering the same kind of grief that you're experiencing.

About your essay -- don't try to give it a title until you've finished the essay. I don't think you need to exaggerate your feelings. They are already strong and real. Write what you're feeling.

These sites may help you.

Oh yes this bring back those memories and itll be a re-experience through those same emotions for me. It really not be easy to move on, atmosphere totally changes around you, and you start seeing flaws that you once never before saw in life. You even start disrespecting God at a point.

Thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're very welcome. Good luck, Mohammad.

Death is one of life's hardest lessons to accept.

I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Writing a narrative essay about such a personal and emotional topic can be challenging, but it can also be a therapeutic experience. To help you, I will guide you step by step on how to choose a title for your essay and how to effectively convey your feelings.

1. Brainstorm Titles:
Start by brainstorming ideas for your essay title. Here are a few suggestions:
- "An Unforgettable Loss: Navigating Grief and Finding Strength"
- "Shattered Hearts: The Painful Reality of Death's Arrival"
- "Forever Changed: Embracing Life after Devastating Loss"

2. Reflect on Your Feelings:
Think about the feelings you experienced during those difficult times. Try to come up with descriptive words or phrases that capture the essence of your emotions. For example, you mentioned feeling heartbroken and as if the world came to an end for you.

3. Combine Title and Emotion:
Once you have a list of descriptive words and phrases, try combining them with the potential titles. Here are a few examples:
- "Heartbroken Reflections: Discovering Strength after Devastating Loss"
- "When the World Collapsed: Finding Hope Amidst the Darkness"

4. Choose What Resonates:
Read through the combinations and select the one that resonates with you the most. Remember, the title should reflect the overall tone and theme of your essay while also capturing your personal experience.

5. Exaggerating Feelings vs. Authenticity:
When writing about your emotions, it's essential to strike a balance between exaggeration and authenticity. Exaggeration can dilute the genuine emotions you felt, and readers may struggle to connect with your experience. Instead, focus on conveying your emotions through vivid descriptions, personal anecdotes, and honest reflections. Let your words reflect the rawness and impact of the losses you experienced.

Remember, writing about death and personal loss can be emotionally challenging. Take breaks when needed and seek support from friends, family, or a counselor if necessary. Good luck with your essay, and I hope it provides you with both healing and a sense of closure.