let me in ,"said the pin this is an example of 1 assonance 2 a metaphor 3 alliteration 4 personification is 1 correct

Said the pin? Do you mean pig?

its pin


To determine the answer, let's break down the given sentence and the options provided.

The sentence "let me in," said the pin exhibits repetition of the "i" sound in the words "pin" and "in." This is an example of the literary device known as assonance, which is the repetition of vowel sounds within words.

So now we can compare assonance with the options given:

1. Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds within words. This is correct in the given sentence.
2. A metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech where one thing is compared to another unrelated thing. This does not apply to the given sentence.
3. Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. The "p" sound is not repeated in the given sentence.
4. Personification: Personification is attributing human characteristics or qualities to non-human objects. Although the sentence contains spoken words by the pin, it does not give it human characteristics.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1: assonance.