1) The debate over ratifying the US Constitution was won by the Anti-Federalists.

2) The US government is based upon the force theory of state.

3) The evolutionary theory of states asserts that early nations developed out of the family structure, eventually transforming into clans, then tribes, and finally states.

4)The framers of the US Constitution relied greatly upon compromise to settle debates so that they could create a new, more effective constitution than the Articles of Confederation.

5)John Locke greatly impacted our form of government, especially his concept that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property

6)The primary author of the Declaration of Independence was John Hancock

7) Another influential document was the Declaration of Independence, which stressed individual liberties for English citizens while also enhancing the power of England's Parliament.

8)In American government, majority rule goes hand in hand with respect for minority rights

Other true and false qsns:
I believe these are the right answers
1 F
2 T
3 T
4 T
5 T
6 F
7 F
8 T

I agree with all of your answers except one.


For the true or false questions:

1) The debate over ratifying the US Constitution was won by the Anti-Federalists.
Answer: False

To get the answer, one would need to study the history of the ratification of the US Constitution. The Anti-Federalists were actually opposed to the Constitution and argued for more limited government power. However, the Federalists, who supported the Constitution, eventually prevailed and the Constitution was ratified.

2) The US government is based upon the force theory of state.
Answer: True

To get the answer, one would need to understand the various theories of state formation. The force theory suggests that states originate from the forceful imposition of rule by a strong individual or group. While the US government may have been influenced by other theories as well, such as the social contract theory, the force theory is applicable in the sense that the US government was ultimately established through a revolution and the overthrow of British rule.

3) The evolutionary theory of states asserts that early nations developed out of the family structure, eventually transforming into clans, then tribes, and finally states.
Answer: True

To get the answer, one would need knowledge about the various theories of state formation. The evolutionary theory posits that states evolved over time from simpler forms of social organization, such as family units and clans, eventually culminating in more complex political structures like tribes and states.

4) The framers of the US Constitution relied greatly upon compromise to settle debates so that they could create a new, more effective constitution than the Articles of Confederation.
Answer: True

To get the answer, one would need an understanding of the drafting of the US Constitution. The framers, who participated in the Constitutional Convention, faced many disagreements and debates. To reach a consensus and create a strong central government, compromises were made, such as the Great Compromise on representation and the Three-Fifths Compromise on counting slaves for population purposes.

5) John Locke greatly impacted our form of government, especially his concept that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property.
Answer: True

To get the answer, one would need knowledge of the influence of John Locke on the formation of governments. Locke's ideas, including the concept of natural rights such as life, liberty, and property, were instrumental in shaping the principles of individual rights and limited government found in the US Constitution and other democratic systems.

6) The primary author of the Declaration of Independence was John Hancock.
Answer: False

To get the answer, one would need familiarity with the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. The primary author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. However, John Hancock did serve as the president of the Second Continental Congress, which declared independence from Great Britain and signed the document.

7) Another influential document was the Declaration of Independence, which stressed individual liberties for English citizens while also enhancing the power of England's Parliament.
Answer: False

To get the answer, one would need knowledge of the content and purpose of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a document by which the American colonies officially declared their independence from Great Britain. It emphasized individual rights and liberties, and denounced the abuses of power by the British monarchy, rather than enhancing the power of England's Parliament.

8) In American government, majority rule goes hand in hand with respect for minority rights.
Answer: True

To get the answer, one would need an understanding of democratic principles in the United States. Majority rule is a fundamental principle, but it is often tempered by the protection of minority rights to ensure that the rights and interests of individuals or groups that are not part of the majority are not disregarded or violated.