what is the answer to

1.)Find the lower quota of 8.87,
upper quota,
2.)arithmetic mean of the lower and upper quotas,
3.)the geometric mean of the lower and upper quotas,
4.)Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the arithmetic mean and
5.)Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the geometric mean

You have probably a table of numbers to do this problem. Without it, there is not much you can do.

Also, do you actually mean lower and upper quartiles?

To find the answers to these questions, you'll need to understand the concepts of lower and upper quotas, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and rounding. Let's break down each question and explain how to obtain the answers.

1.) Find the lower quota: The lower quota can be calculated by rounding down the given number to the nearest whole number. In this case, the number is 8.87. Rounding it down gives you the lower quota, which is 8.

2.) Find the upper quota: The upper quota can be calculated by rounding up the given number to the nearest whole number. In this case, the number is 8.87. Rounding it up gives you the upper quota, which is 9.

3.) Find the arithmetic mean of the lower and upper quotas: The arithmetic mean is the average of two or more numbers. To find the arithmetic mean of the lower and upper quotas, you simply add them together and divide the sum by 2. For example, if the lower quota is 8 and the upper quota is 9, the arithmetic mean would be (8 + 9) / 2 = 8.5.

4.) Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the arithmetic mean: To round the given modified quota using the arithmetic mean, you compare the modified quota with the arithmetic mean. If the modified quota is closer to the lower quota, round it down to the lower quota. If it is closer to the upper quota, round it up to the upper quota. For example, if the modified quota is 8.6 and the arithmetic mean is 8.5, the modified quota should be rounded up to the upper quota, which is 9.

5.) Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the geometric mean: To round the given modified quota using the geometric mean, you compare the modified quota with the geometric mean. If the modified quota is closer to the lower quota, round it down to the lower quota. If it is closer to the upper quota, round it up to the upper quota. The geometric mean can be calculated by taking the square root of the product of the lower and upper quotas. For example, if the lower quota is 8 and the upper quota is 9, the geometric mean would be √(8 * 9) = √72 ≈ 8.49. If the modified quota is 8.6, it is closer to the upper quota, so it should be rounded up to 9.

So, the answers to the questions are as follows:
1.) The lower quota of 8.87 is 8.
2.) The upper quota of 8.87 is 9.
3.) The arithmetic mean of the lower and upper quotas is 8.5.
4.) Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the arithmetic mean:
If the modified quota is closer to the lower quota, round it down to 8.
If the modified quota is closer to the upper quota, round it up to 9.
5.) Round the given modified quota by comparing it with the geometric mean:
If the modified quota is closer to the lower quota, round it down to 8.
If the modified quota is closer to the upper quota, round it up to 9.