polygon ABCDE is congruent to polygon TVSRK. what do angle VSR corresponds to?

List the vertices in order for the two polygons:


VSR corresponds to BCD

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To determine the angle that corresponds to angle VSR, we need to find the corresponding angle in polygon ABCDE.

When two polygons are congruent, it means that their corresponding sides and angles are equal in measure. In this case, polygon ABCDE is congruent to polygon TVSRK. So, we can say that angle VSR corresponds to angle EDC in polygon ABCDE.

To find the measure of angle EDC, we need additional information. If you have the measures of all other angles in either polygon, we can use the angle sum property of polygons.

For example, if you know the measures of angles ABC, BCD, CDE, DEA, SVG, VGH, GHI, HIJ, and IJK in either polygon, you can add them up and subtract the sum from 360 degrees. Then, divide the result by 2 to find the measure of angle EDC.

If you provide more information about the measures of other angles in either polygon, I can help you calculate the measure of angle EDC or any other angle you are interested in.

Name the postulate or theorem you can use to prove mc138-5.jpg.