out of these variables which would and would not follow normal distribution. shoe size

model year of car
how many friends on face book
Please explain why..thanks

To determine which variables are likely to follow a normal distribution, we need to consider their characteristics and distributions in real life.

1. Shoe size: Shoe sizes typically follow a normal distribution. In the general population, most people have average foot sizes, with fewer individuals having either very small or very large sizes. Therefore, shoe size is likely to follow a normal distribution.

2. Height: Height is also known to follow a normal distribution. In the general population, most people have average heights, with fewer individuals having extremely short or tall heights. So, height is likely to follow a normal distribution as well.

3. Age: Age is not likely to follow a normal distribution. In the general population, age increases over time, but it does not follow a symmetric bell-shaped distribution. Age distribution is influenced by factors such as birth rates, mortality rates, and cultural factors, leading to an irregular distribution.

4. GPA: GPA (Grade Point Average) is not likely to follow a normal distribution. It is based on discrete values (e.g., letter grades) and is often bounded within a certain range, causing a non-normal distribution. It tends to be left-skewed, as there are more students with higher grades and fewer with lower grades.

5. Model year of car: The model year of a car is not likely to follow a normal distribution. It is a categorical variable representing specific discrete values (e.g., 2010, 2015, 2020) rather than a continuous variable. Therefore, it does not have a normal distribution.

6. Number of friends on Facebook: The number of friends on Facebook is not likely to follow a normal distribution. It is a discrete variable, and people tend to have varying numbers of friends with a few having many, and most having a modest number. This often results in a right-skewed distribution with a long tail.

In summary, shoe size and height are likely to follow a normal distribution, while age, GPA, model year of car, and number of friends on Facebook are not.