how many times greater is the first 7 than second in 876574?

The first 7 is in the ten thousands place, while the second is in the tens position.

10,000/10 = ?

how many times greater is the values of the first 6 to the second 6 in the number 56762

To determine how many times greater the first 7 is than the second in the number 876574, we need to understand the place value of the digit 7 in the given number.

In 876574, the first 7 is in the ten-thousands place.

To find the second 7, we need to read the number from left to right until we encounter the second 7.

Starting from the left, the second 7 is in the thousands place.

Now that we know the place value of both 7's, we can calculate how many times greater the first 7 is than the second 7.

The first 7 is in the ten-thousands place, which is 10,000 times greater than the thousands place where the second 7 is located.

Therefore, the first 7 is 10,000 times greater than the second 7 in the number 876,574.