For the life of me, I can't seem to remember the name of Whitney's brother from the shory story "The Premontion" by Joyce Carol Oates. I read years ago. Does anyone remember his name?

Quinn!! That's his name! Thanks for the help. I looked up the story on google but it wasn't there or his name.

To find the name of Whitney's brother in the short story "The Premonition" by Joyce Carol Oates, you have a few options:

1. Reread the story: If you have access to the story, it might be helpful to reread it or skim through it, paying close attention to any mentions of the brother's name.

2. Online search: Try searching for summaries or analyses of the story online. Websites like SparkNotes or other literary analysis sites often provide detailed information about characters in a story, including their names.

3. Ask online book communities: Websites and forums like Goodreads or Reddit have active communities of readers who might be able to help you with specific questions about books and stories.

4. Check with libraries or bookstores: Reach out to your local library or bookstore and ask if they have any resources or databases that could help you find character names in specific short stories.

By exploring these options, you should be able to find the name of Whitney's brother in "The Premonition" by Joyce Carol Oates.