4. Gregory teaches martial arts. He charges a one-time processing fee of $5.00 and the

cost of the classes is shown below. Let x represent the number of classes and y represent the cost
of classes. Based on this information, what will it cost to take 10 classes?
Cost of classes (not including processing fee)
Number of Classes, x
Cost of Classes, y
A. $123.00
B. $125.00
C. $128.00
D. $130.00

(6 * 12) + 5 + 51 = _____ cost for 10 classes


To find the total cost of taking 10 classes, we need to consider the cost of the classes and the one-time processing fee.

Number of classes, x = 10
Cost of classes, y = $51.00 (corresponding to 4 classes)

Since the cost of classes increases by $12.00 for each additional class, we can use this information to find the cost of 10 classes.

Number of classes, x = 4 gives the cost of classes, y = $51.00
Number of additional classes = 10 - 4 = 6

Each class costs an additional $12.00, so the total cost of the additional 6 classes is 6 * $12.00 = $72.00

Adding the cost of the initial 4 classes ($51.00) and the cost of the additional 6 classes ($72.00), the total cost of 10 classes is $51.00 + $72.00 = $123.00

Therefore, the correct option is A. $123.00.

To find the cost of taking 10 classes, we need to analyze the relationship between the number of classes and the cost of classes.

Looking at the data provided, we can see that the cost of classes increases by $12.00 for each additional class. This suggests a linear relationship.

To determine the cost of taking 10 classes, we need to find the corresponding cost for x = 10.

First, let's calculate the slope (rate of change) of the relationship:
slope = (change in y) / (change in x) = ($12.00) / (2 classes) = $6.00 per class

Next, let's find the y-intercept (the cost when x = 0):
y-intercept = y - (slope * x) = $15.00 - ($6.00 * 1) = $9.00

Now, we can use the equation for a line (y = mx + b) to find the cost of taking 10 classes:
y = (slope * x) + y-intercept
y = ($6.00 * 10) + $9.00
y = $60.00 + $9.00
y = $69.00

Finally, we need to add the one-time processing fee of $5.00:
Total cost = $69.00 + $5.00
Total cost = $74.00

Therefore, the cost to take 10 classes is $74.00, which is not among the given answer choices.