The outlawing of slavery and extending voting rights to women seem to indicate that ethics can have beneficial results. Give an example from the past that indicates a similar result or a current social policy that might be regarded as wrong, which therefore needs to be changed. Give your reasons and indicate which ethical theory you believe provides the best support for your view. R

How about age problems: child workers or elderly discrimination?

The outlawing of slavery and extending voting rights to women seem to indicate that ethics can have beneficial results. Give an example from the past that indicates a similar result or a current social policy that might be regarded as wrong, which therefore needs to be changed. Give your reasons and indicate which ethical theory you believe provides the best support for your view.

One example from the past that indicates a similar beneficial result of ethics is the civil rights movement in the United States during the mid-20th century. This movement fought for racial equality and an end to racial segregation, ultimately leading to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These legislations outlawed racial discrimination, provided equal access to public facilities, and protected voting rights for African Americans.

The civil rights movement serves as an example of ethics having beneficial results because it challenged the unjust social norms and systems that treated people unfairly based on their race. By promoting equality and justice, it not only improved the lives of marginalized communities but also helped create a more inclusive and equitable society.

In terms of a current social policy that might be regarded as wrong and needs to be changed, one example is the treatment of immigrants in some countries, particularly those who are undocumented or seeking asylum. Many countries have restrictive immigration policies that often result in the mistreatment, separation of families, and denial of basic rights for immigrants. This policy is ethically problematic as it fails to recognize and uphold the inherent dignity and human rights of individuals.

From an ethical perspective, one theory that provides strong support for the view that immigration policies need to be changed is utilitarianism. Utilitarian ethical theory focuses on maximizing overall well-being and happiness for the greatest number of people. In the case of immigration policies, a utilitarian approach would argue for reforms that prioritize compassion, fairness, and the overall well-being of both immigrants and the society as a whole. By promoting inclusive and humane immigration policies, societies can benefit from the contributions and diverse perspectives that immigrants bring, leading to greater overall happiness and well-being.