Which of the following statements about Truman's Fair Deal is true?

A. It repealed the New Deal.
B. It called for national medical insurance.
C. It was reluctantly passed by Congress.
D. It was Truman's response to the Soviet's Sputnik.

Is it C?

It could be B. or C. Check your text.

To determine which statement about Truman's Fair Deal is true, let's evaluate each option:

A. It repealed the New Deal: This statement is false. Truman's Fair Deal did not repeal the New Deal. Instead, it aimed to build upon and expand some of its programs.

B. It called for national medical insurance: This statement is true. One of the key components of Truman's Fair Deal was the proposal for a national health insurance program, although it was ultimately not enacted.

C. It was reluctantly passed by Congress: This statement is not accurate. Truman's Fair Deal faced significant opposition from conservatives in Congress, so it did not receive unanimous support. However, it cannot be said that it was reluctantly passed since it did not become law in its entirety.

D. It was Truman's response to the Soviet's Sputnik: This statement is false. Truman's Fair Deal was proposed by President Harry Truman in 1949, while the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, in 1957. The Fair Deal and the Sputnik event were not connected.

Therefore, the correct statement about Truman's Fair Deal is B. It called for national medical insurance.