in a town 11/23 are males, 17/46 are females and rest are children . what portion of the total population do the children constitute?

To find the portion of the total population that children constitute, we need to know the total number of males, females, and children in the town.

Let's assume the total population is P.

The number of males in the town is given as 11/23 of the total population:
Number of males = (11/23) * P

The number of females in the town is given as 17/46 of the total population:
Number of females = (17/46) * P

The sum of the males and females should equal the total population:
(11/23) * P + (17/46) * P = P

Now, let's solve for P:

(11/23 + 17/46) * P = P
(506/1038) * P = P
506/1038 = 1

So, the fraction 506/1038 represents the portion of the total population that children constitute. To convert it to a percentage, we can divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100:

(506/1038) * 100 ≈ 48.77%

Therefore, the children constitute approximately 48.77% of the total population.

To find out the portion of the total population that the children constitute, we need to subtract the portion of males and females from 1 (since the total population is composed of males, females, and children).

First, we need to add the portions of males and females:
Portion of males = 11/23
Portion of females = 17/46

Next, we can find the total portion of males and females:
Total portion = 11/23 + 17/46

To simplify this, we need a common denominator, which in this case is 46. Now we can add the fractions:
Total portion = (11/23)*(2/2) + (17/46)*(1/1)
Total portion = 22/46 + 17/46
Total portion = 39/46

Finally, to find the portion of the total population that the children constitute, we subtract the total portion of males and females from 1:
Portion of children = 1 - 39/46

To simplify further, we can find the common denominator of 46:
Portion of children = (46/46) - (39/46)
Portion of children = 7/46

Therefore, the portion of the total population that the children constitute is 7/46.

11/23 = 22/46

46/46 - (22/46 + 17/46) = ?