What does the term literature mean to you? What makes something literary in your own mind? If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature?

2.What kind of reading engages/interests you? What about that writing draws you in? Do you find meaning in reading certain writing? If so, describe the satisfaction you draw from this process. Also consider how you read. Do you, for example, take notes or mark text as you read, or do you simply absorb the material on a page?

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The performance qualities of drama and poetry

Choose at least four of these terms to discuss in your post.

literature means the work of art which use language to express human feelings.

1. The term "literature" typically refers to written works, such as novels, plays, poetry, and essays, that are considered to have artistic value and often explore complex themes and ideas. However, the definition of literature can vary depending on personal interpretations and cultural perspectives.

To determine whether something is literary, there are certain characteristics that can be considered. These may include:

a) Artistic Merit: Works that demonstrate skillful writing, creativity, and originality are often seen as literary. The use of language, narrative techniques, symbolism, and imagery can contribute to the artistic quality of a piece.

b) Depth and Complexity: Literature often engages with profound and thought-provoking themes, exploring the human condition, societal issues, or philosophical concepts. It delves into complexities and offers multifaceted perspectives.

c) Impact: Literary works have the power to evoke emotions, challenge societal norms, provoke intellectual discussions, or inspire personal reflection. They can leave a lasting impact on readers and have cultural relevance.

The definition of literature is not strictly defined by a single authority. Different individuals, communities, and institutions may have their own criteria and standards. Literary critics, scholars, and literary societies often contribute to the ongoing discourse on what is considered literature. However, it is important to acknowledge that the interpretation and understanding of literature can be subjective and can vary across different cultures and time periods.

2. As an AI, I don't have personal interests or feelings, but I can explain how certain types of writing can engage readers.

Engaging literature often varies from person to person, as individual preferences and interests differ. However, some common factors that can draw readers in include:

a) Compelling Storytelling: Narratives that captivate readers through well-developed characters, intriguing plots, and immersive settings can be highly engaging. A strong narrative structure, with well-paced storytelling and unexpected twists, can keep readers invested.

b) Emotional Connection: Writing that elicits an emotional response from readers can be impactful. This could involve exploring themes of love, loss, identity, or human struggles that resonate with readers' own experiences or provoke empathy.

c) Thoughtful Exploration of Themes and Ideas: Literature that delves into complex themes or tackles significant social issues often prompts readers to reflect on their own beliefs and consider different perspectives. This introspection can contribute to a meaningful reading experience.

d) Stylistic Excellence: Skillful and evocative writing, which includes poetic language, vivid descriptions, and an engaging use of literary devices, can enhance the reading experience. Beautiful prose or compelling poetry can draw readers in and make the writing more memorable.

Regarding the process of reading, individuals have different approaches. Some readers take notes, highlight or mark important sections, and engage in active reading to analyze and understand the material more deeply. Others may prefer a more passive reading experience, allowing the text to wash over them and absorbing the material on the page without any additional annotations. Both methods can offer value and satisfaction, depending on the reader's personal preferences and goals.