eriksons work identified 1.physical skill development 2 intellectual skill development 3 social emotional development 4 brain growth development is it 3

Right. :-)

No, Erikson's work did not identify "brain growth development" as one of the stages. Erik Erikson was a developmental psychologist who proposed a theory of psychosocial development. According to Erikson, there are eight stages of psychosocial development that individuals go through across their lifespan.

The stages identified by Erikson are:

1. Trust vs. Mistrust (infancy): This stage focuses on the development of basic trust and a sense of security in the world.

2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (early childhood): In this stage, children develop a sense of independence and self-control.

3. Initiative vs. Guilt (preschool age): Children explore their environment and develop a sense of purpose and initiative.

4. Industry vs. Inferiority (school age): During this stage, children begin to develop a sense of competence and learn to take pride in their accomplishments.

5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence): Teenagers explore their identity and develop a sense of who they are as individuals.

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (early adulthood): Young adults form close, intimate relationships and develop a sense of connection with others.

7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood): In this stage, individuals focus on making a positive impact on future generations and contribute to society.

8. Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood): As individuals age, they reflect on their life experiences and accomplishments, either experiencing a sense of fulfillment and wisdom or regret and despair.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question would be option 3: social-emotional development.