In what ways was Shi Huangdi great? What impact did he have on China?

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The question is asking how this emperor affected his people.

The website answers that question.

Shi Hunagdi was a ruler, that was normally refered to as the no-hear ruler, He forced people in becoming laborers and used force to rule his city, he even buried his scholars that didn't agree with him alive and burning all the confuscious and religious books that isn't about Legalism.

To understand the ways in which Shi Huangdi (also known as Qin Shi Huang) was great and the impact he had on China, we need to explore his achievements and policies. Shi Huangdi was the founder of the Qin Dynasty, which ruled over China from 221 BCE to 206 BCE. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Centralized Administration: Shi Huangdi implemented a highly centralized government, establishing the first unified empire in Chinese history. He standardized various aspects, such as the legal code, weights and measures, currency, and writing systems, which helped to unify the diverse regions under his rule.

2. Infrastructure: One of Shi Huangdi's remarkable achievements was the construction of the Great Wall of China, which aimed to protect his empire from northern invasions. He also ordered the construction of an extensive network of roads and canals for better transportation and communication across the empire.

3. Standardization: Recognizing the need for consistent systems, Shi Huangdi unified the written script, standardized the currency and measurements, and implemented a single code of law. These steps helped to create a sense of cultural unity and facilitate governance throughout China.

4. Terracotta Army: Shi Huangdi is known for his extraordinary mausoleum, which features an astonishing Terracotta Army guarding his tomb. This creation showcases the wealth, labor, and power at his disposal.

5. Legalism and Centralized Control: Shi Huangdi followed the philosophy of Legalism, which held that a strong central authority was necessary to maintain order and ensure the obedience of the people. He employed strict legal codes and enforced harsh punishments, fostering a culture of obedience and discipline.

The impact of Shi Huangdi's rule on China was significant and multi-faceted:

1. Legacy: Shi Huangdi's rule laid the foundation for imperial China. His dynasty and governing principles were followed by subsequent dynasties, contributing to the continuous centralized governance of China.

2. Centralization: By unifying China under a centralized government, Shi Huangdi set a precedent for future rulers. This concept of strong central control became a recurring theme in Chinese history.

3. Cultural influence: The standardization of the Chinese script, measurements, and currency had a lasting impact on Chinese culture, promoting unity, communication, and economic development.

4. Imperial expansion: Shi Huangdi's military campaigns expanded the boundaries of China, creating a larger and more powerful empire.

5. Controversies: It is important to note that while Shi Huangdi accomplished many remarkable feats, his reign was not without controversies. His harsh rule, including the burning of books and persecution of scholars, generated resentment among some sections of society.

Understanding Shi Huangdi's greatness and impact on China requires a holistic view of his achievements, policies, and their consequences.

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