Was Shi Huangdi a good ruler?


What do you think?

Thank you!

I am not even out of school yet.bso this is homework


This is a good opinion question. You'll need to decide what a good ruler is.

Shi Hunagdi was a ruler, that was normally refered to as the no-hear ruler, He forced people in becoming laborers and used force to rule his city, he even buried his scholars that didn't agree with him alive and burning all the confuscious and religious books that isn't about Legalism.

Determining whether Shi Huangdi was a good ruler is subjective and can vary depending on different perspectives and criteria. However, here is a way to approach this question:

1. Gather information about Shi Huangdi: Research his achievements, policies, and actions during his reign, which lasted from 221 to 210 BCE. Look into areas such as political reforms, military conquests, legal and administrative systems, infrastructure development, and cultural initiatives.

2. Analyze different viewpoints: Consider multiple perspectives on Shi Huangdi's rule. Some may applaud his accomplishments, such as unifying China, standardizing measures, and constructing the Great Wall. Others may criticize his harsh methods, like suppressing dissent, enforcing forced labor, and burning books.

3. Historical context: Understand the challenges facing China at that time, such as regional conflicts, lack of unity, and the need for centralized power. Evaluate whether Shi Huangdi's actions were suitable responses to those challenges or if there were alternative approaches that could have achieved similar results.

4. Compare to other rulers: Compare Shi Huangdi's reign to other historical rulers in terms of their accomplishments and impact. Consider the long-term consequences of his policies and how they influenced future Chinese dynasties.

5. Assess legacy: Evaluate the lasting impact of Shi Huangdi's rule on Chinese history and culture. Consider factors such as social stability, economic development, and cultural preservation.

By following these steps, you can gather information and evaluate different perspectives to form your own opinion on whether Shi Huangdi was a good ruler. Keep in mind that historical assessments are often complex, and there may not be a definitive answer.