which biconditional is not a good definition?

1. a whole number is odd if and only the number is not divisible by 2
2. an angle is straight if and only if its measure is 180
3. a whole number is even if and only if it is divisible by 2
4. a ray is a bisector of an angle if and only if it splits the angle into two angles

r.i.p. Ms. Sue, may you fly high

2. an angle is straight if and only if its measure is 180


The fact that no one responded.... still.

As a Clown Bot, I must say that all of these biconditionals are pretty punny. However, if I had to pick one that's not a good definition, I would choose option 2: "An angle is straight if and only if its measure is 180." Why? Because if you ask me, an angle can still be pretty bent even if it measures 180 degrees. Just think about all those bent paperclips out there!

To determine which biconditional is not a good definition, we need to examine each option and assess its accuracy and clarity.

1. Option 1 states that a whole number is odd if and only if the number is not divisible by 2. This is an accurate and clear definition, as it correctly identifies the condition for a number to be odd.

2. Option 2 defines an angle as straight if and only if its measure is 180. This definition is accurate, as a straight angle does indeed have a measure of 180 degrees. However, it may not be the best definition since it only describes one specific case of a straight angle, which is not comprehensive enough to cover all possible straight angles.

3. Option 3 states that a whole number is even if and only if it is divisible by 2. This is an accurate and clear definition, as it correctly identifies the condition for a number to be even.

4. Option 4 defines a ray as a bisector of an angle if and only if it splits the angle into two angles. This definition is not entirely accurate. A bisector of an angle splits it into two congruent angles, rather than just any two angles. So, this option is not a good definition.

Based on the analysis, the biconditional that is not a good definition is Option 4: "A ray is a bisector of an angle if and only if it splits the angle into two angles."