Adrienne had a party at a local bowling alley. She spent seventy-five dollars for the lane and five dollars per person for shoes. Let c be the total cost of the lane and shoes, and let f be the number of friends at her party. Write an equation to represent the problem. Which is the dependent variable? Explain.

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To write the equation to represent the problem, we can use the given information. Adrienne spent seventy-five dollars for the lane and five dollars per person for shoes. The total cost of the lane and shoes can be calculated by adding the cost of the lane and the cost of the shoes for each friend. So, the equation can be written as:

c = 75 + 5f

Here, c represents the total cost of the lane and shoes, and f represents the number of friends at her party.

The dependent variable in this equation is c, representing the total cost of the lane and shoes. The number of friends, f, is the independent variable, which means it can vary and affect the total cost. The total cost will depend on the number of friends attending the party. As the number of friends (independent variable) increases, the total cost (dependent variable) will also increase.