Thank you very much, Writeacher for checking my paragraph.

Here is the last part.

1) Six months after being diagnosed with cancer, she was dead. HeLa cells have had a fundamental importance in scientific research.
2) Her living cells, which survive to this day have contributed to the study of cancer, have helped in developing the polio vaccine, and have allowed scientists to determine the effects of the atom.
3) They have also led to important advances in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping.
Actually, it is estimated that there are tons of these scattered cells in laboratories throughout the world.
4) HeLa has been bought and sold by millions of researchers in the decades earning hundreds of millions of dollars for the medical industry.

1) Six months after being diagnosed with cancer, she was dead. HeLa cells have had fundamental importance in scientific research. [delete 'a' before 'fundamental']

2) Her living cells, which survive to this day, have contributed to the study of cancer, have helped in developing the polio vaccine, and have allowed scientists to determine the effects of the atom. [I added one comma.]

3) They have also led to important advances in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping.
Actually, it is estimated that there are tons[<~~really? tons??] of these scattered cells in laboratories throughout the world.

4) HeLa has been bought and sold by millions of researchers in recent decades, earning hundreds of millions of dollars for the medical industry. [changed one word]

Grammar and punctuation looks good in this paragraph. However, there is a minor mistake in sentence 1 where it should be "HeLa cells had" instead of "HeLa cells have" since the action of their importance occurred in the past.

Now, let's take a closer look at the last sentence in paragraph 4: "HeLa has been bought and sold by millions of researchers in the decades earning hundreds of millions of dollars for the medical industry."

To analyze this sentence structure, we can break it down into three parts:
1) Subject: "HeLa" - referring to the HeLa cells.
2) Verb phrase: "has been bought and sold" - indicating the action of buying and selling.
3) Object: "by millions of researchers in the decades" - specifying who performed the action and the timeframe.

In addition, there is a relative clause in this sentence: "earning hundreds of millions of dollars for the medical industry." The word "earning" serves as the verb of the clause, and "hundreds of millions of dollars" is the object.

To get a better understanding of how HeLa cells have been bought and sold, we can do further research on their history and commercial value in the medical industry.