A structured process that gathers information about specific use from people similar to the intended users is called?

What are your choices? What is your answer?

quality testing

usability testing
information testing
structure testing

quality testing

The structured process you're referring to is called user research. User research is a systematic approach to collect information and insights about users' behaviors, needs, and preferences. By understanding users, their goals, and their challenges, designers can create more effective and user-friendly products or services.

To conduct user research, there are various methods you can employ. Here are a few commonly used techniques:

1. Surveys: Design a series of questions to gather quantitative or qualitative data from a large number of users. Surveys can help you gather information about demographics, preferences, satisfaction levels, and more.

2. Interviews: Conduct one-on-one or group interviews with users to obtain in-depth qualitative insights. Interviews allow researchers to ask probing questions to better understand users' motivations, challenges, and expectations.

3. Observations: Observe users as they interact with a product or service in their natural environment. By watching users in action, you can identify pain points, uncover hidden needs, and gain a deeper understanding of their behavior.

4. Usability Testing: Test how users interact with a prototype or a finished product. By observing users' actions, feedback, and facial expressions, you can identify usability issues and areas for improvement.

5. Field Studies: Immerse yourself in the users' environment and study their behaviors and needs firsthand. This approach involves spending time with users, participating in their activities, and documenting their experiences.

To effectively gather information from people similar to the intended users, it's crucial to accurately define your target audience. This may involve developing user personas that represent the common characteristics and goals of your users. By aligning your research methods with the needs of your target audience, you can obtain relevant and valuable insights for designing user-centered experiences.